Welcome to the Moderns
(Languages) Department
The Abbey Park Modern Languages Department continues to be very successful, building from the very strong foundation laid by Mr. Larry Rinaldo during his inspiring career at Queen Elizabeth/Abbey Park. Our department offers a range of courses, which are listed below. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that our graduating French students earn a grade 12 certificate of competency. Our programs focus on developing speaking, listening, writing and reading competencies. As such, both Senior French and Spanish students are able to achieve a strong level of fluency and knowledge of these respective languages and cultures.
To promote learning outside of the classroom, our department offers local, regional, national and international excursions to further explore language and culture.
Our department offers 1 to 2 field trips to Toronto each semester to visit a French restaurant and to view a screening of a French film at the National Film Board of Canada.
We provide our students additional opportunities to practice and refine their spoken French by hosting a weekly after school language development program on Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in room 207.
We help connect students with local volunteer and paid tutors.
Our students partake in the annual province- wide Concours d'art oratoire French speaking competition where they recite a discourse about a topic of their choice and compete for prizes, including a university scholarship
Nationally and Internationally
Our Grade 12 students travel to Montreal each year where they present their research on a topic related to la francophonie
Bi-annually, Abbey Park students are given the opportunity to practice their spoken French and Spanish by traveling to various European countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Switzerland
For more information on this year's trip to Europe, please see below
A wide variety of exchange programs and excursions are available.
French Courses Offered
Grade 9 Academic and Applied (FSF1D/1P)
Grade 10 Academic and Applied (FSF2D/2P)
Grade 11 University and Open (FSF3U/O)
Grade 12 University and Open (FSF4U/O)
Spanish Courses Offered
Gr. 10 Open Spanish (LWSBD1)
Gr. 11 University Spanish (LWSCU1)
Gr.12 University Spanish (LWSDU1)
Useful Language Assistance Tools
An easy-to-use online dictionary and verb conjugator: http://wordreference.com/
A great editing tool for written French: http://bonpatron.com/
Websites of Interest
Can you name all 56 French-Speaking Countries in the World? http://www.francophonie.org
European Tour Provider: http://www.eftours.ca/
National Film Board Website: http://www.nfb.ca/
French Field Trip Restaurant Website: http://www.lepapillonfront.com/
Exchange Opportunities
Interested in an exchange opportunity ? Please see below for student exchange information as well as summer programs.
CPF French Summer Camps
French Language Exchange Programs
Ontario Summer Fun En Francais